Opportunity to Support New Research
Understanding the Experience of Farm Women
A Proposed Research Project
Much has been said about the role of women on the farm, but little has been measured. The roles and participation of women in farming is changing. While the Census of Agriculture reports that about 1/3 of farms have a woman as a primary decision maker (either as sole proprietor or in a partnership), there is ample anecdotal evidence to suggest that women are positioned to influence decision-making in ways that go far beyond Census measurement. Furthermore, as the majority of graduates from Canadian post-secondary agricultural programs are female, women are leading in expertise development, suggesting that the number of females involved in farming will not only continue to rise, but their roles will strengthen.
Recent research indicates farm women play a critical role in farm business management, decision-making, and farm transition, however report significant levels of stress related to these and other roles including maintaining family and farm team harmony.
Farm Management Canada and CentricEngine Inc. are undertaking an important and timely research project that will provide a comprehensive baseline for understanding the roles, status, barriers and opportunities to support women involved in farming.
The research will cover:
- Participation/leadership in decision-making
- Participation/leadership in specific farm management tasks
- Participation/leadership in specific operational tasks
- The current experience of farm women
- Perceived level of recognition by internal and external stakeholders
- Perceived barriers and constraints to further participation/leadership
- Goals for the operation
- Personal goals of farm women
- Advisors and influencer relationships
In order to undertake the proposed research project, public and private sector support is required.
Click here to access the full project proposal and opportunities to support our research.
About the Study Proponents
Farm Management Canada
An umbrella for farm business management, Farm Management Canada is the only national organization dedicated exclusively to the development and delivery of leading-edge resources, information and tools to support farm business success. With over 25 years’ experience, Farm Management Canada is a champion for farm business management excellence across Canada.
CentricEngine Inc.
We believe that farmers deserve to be understood! Our goal is to provide new and more powerful ways to understand farmers and their relationship to the farms they operate and the farming techniques they utilize. We are deeply interested in the decision-making process undertaken by farmers with differing motivations and circumstances. Our products and services are intended to assist a wide variety of clients including a range of established input manufacturers, technology startups and policy makers.
To discuss further or to find out how your organization can participate contact:
Maurice Allin
Heather Watson
Robert Wilbur