Farm Management Canada is launching a new National Farm Leadership Program designed for Canadian farmers. Few of us consider our own leadership as a competitive advantage, however research shows that leader effectiveness can account for as much as 1/3 of business performance. Farm Management Canada has engaged LeaderShift Inc. to support the development of leader effectiveness in Canada’s ag sector.
“Canada already has some of the best farm managers globally and increasing their leadership effectiveness is the next step. We’re pleased to be partnering with LeaderShift who understand agriculture and have the learning platform to meet the unique learning needs of Canada’s farmers,” says Heather Watson, Executive Director of Farm Management Canada.
“In the increasingly complex business of farming where efficiency and effectiveness are key to success, interpersonal skills, relationships and work habits matter,” says Watson. “We are excited to offer a new National Farm Leadership Program for Canada’s farmers that fits into busy farm life to help farmers identify the critical development areas that will have the greatest impact on their personal and professional lives and help build the capacity to achieve more of what matters.”
Led by certified executive coach and fourth generation farmer, Kelly Dobson, the program’s design offers participants individualized learning within a group setting utilizing a confidential online platform, 3-day residency and year-long personal and group coaching. “We are excited to be working with Farm Management Canada to make executive development accessible to the ag sector. Not only is leadership good for business, its good for the well-being of the leader and those they work with,” says Dobson.
The program takes place over 11 weeks involving structured online asynchronous learning with a cohort of fellow participants. At the 7-week mark, there is a 3-day residency where participants practice their skills. Participants can expect to spend about 4 hours per week on coursework. As part of the program, participants will have their leadership assessed to a global data set of leaders using feedback from colleagues and peers. Throughout the program, and for the remainder of the year, participants will receive personal coaching to understand their leadership assessment and put a plan in place to increase their leadership effectiveness. Participants will have unlimited access to the LeaderLab – a private online community learning platform.
Our Program Focuses on Developing:
- Self Awareness through skill development, and individual assessment.
- Interpersonal Skills to build the capacity and confidence to confront persistent problems.
- Leader Effectiveness by developing individualized plans focused on developing strengths.
- Performance by learning to integrate practices that support well-being, focus and achievement.
- Strategic Thinking by understanding the systems that support action, organizational learning, and personal effectiveness.
- A Network of colleagues committed to personal and professional effectiveness.
Interested in enrolling?
The National Farm Leadership Program begins January 27 2020. Residency takes places March 10 – 12 in Sidney, British Columbia. The Program is eligible for up to $2500 cost-share funding for farmers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The deadline to apply is January 17th. For more information, visit leader-shift.ca/national-farm-leadership-program.
About Farm Management Canada
A national umbrella for Canadian farm business management activity, Farm Management Canada is the only organization devoted exclusively to the development and delivery of advanced business management information, tools and resources to position Canada’s farmers for success. Our programs and activities are made possible through support from generous sponsors and supporters supporters including Government, private industry, the non-profit sector and academia.
About LeaderShift
LeaderShift Inc. is leader development and coaching firm dedicated to serving small and medium sized businesses with an Ag sector focus. LeaderShift’s LeaderLab enables participants and organizations to engage in research based leader development who are geographically dispersed and/or want to engage in self directed learning within a group setting. Programs are a blend of online and residency learning with one-on-one and group coaching.
For more information contact:
Heather Watson, Executive Director
Email: info(at)fmc-gac.com
Phone: 613 237 9060
Kelly Dobson, Chief Leadership Officer
LeaderShift Inc.
Email: kelly(at)leader-shift.ca
Phone: 204 483 0197