Farm Management Canada is passionate about farm business management and we invite you to join us in our commitment to developing and distributing leading-edge farm business management information and products to help facilitate successful farm management.

The world of farm management is constantly changing. By working together, we’ll help ensure Canada remains competitive in the global marketplace.



Farm Management Canada’s members consist of individuals, associations, corporations, and government within the following membership categories:

  • Farmers
  • Members at Large
  • Associations/Organizations
  • Academia
  • Corporations
  • Provincial/Territorial Government Representatives

Farm Management Canada’s members:

  • Complement and add to Farm Management Canada values, missions, and goals
  • Enhance and broaden the scope and impact of activities
  • Guide and ensure the governance and strategic direction of Farm Management Canada

We focus our efforts on keeping members informed of farm business management initiatives across Canada, while identifying new opportunities to meet the changing demands of the industry.

To become a member, please fill out the membership form below to provide us with your details.

Membership Levels

Farmer $50 per year (plus HST)

15% discount for 3 year membership

Member at Large
Association/Organization $250 per year (plus HST)

15% discount for 3 year membership

Academic Institution
Corporation $1000 per year (plus HST)

15% discount for 3 year membership

Farmer/Member at Large Membership Benefits

Farm Management Canada is working to address the needs of farm business managers and aid advisors in helping farmers to achieve a more sustainable and efficient farm operation that makes sound management decisions.

Farmer/Member at Large Membership Benefits

Strategic Input

Voting rights within Farm Management Canada All members receive basic voting rights within Farm Management Canada allowing members to have their say on the direction of Farm Management Canada initiatives.
Eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors Members are able to serve on the BOD which allows an even bigger impact on the direction of Farm Management Canada initiatives.
Recognition in the Annual Report All members will be listed in Farm Management Canada’s Annual Report which is distributed to members and other industry stakeholders. The Annual Report is also available on our website ( for general public viewing.
Participation in Farm Management Canada-hosted events As a member of Farm Management Canada, you will be able to network with other members interested and knowledgeable in farm business management. Members will also have a chance to be invited to participate in Farm Management Canada focus groups & advisory committees at Farm Management Canada’s discretion. Members are also eligible for a discounted rate at the Agricultural Excellence Conference.
Opportunity to be a content contributor for Farm Management Canada Members have the opportunity to contribute content for Farm Management Canada’s use. This is a great chance to highlight your presentation skills or writing techniques. Members are encouraged to submit a proposal to present an Agriwebinar® or article they have written. Farm Management Canada will circulate content as per their discretion and relevance to farm management.
Recognition in the next Farm Management Canada Update Newsletter after joining New members will be mentioned in the next Farm Management Canada Update Newsletter (depending on time of membership and distribution of newsletter- recognition may be postponed to the following newsletter).


Exclusive Opportunities

Eligible to nominate a group or individual for the Wilson Loree Award Farm Management Canada seeks to honour individuals or groups who have made an extraordinary contribution to developing and promoting new and positive change in agricultural business management practices and expertise in Canada through the Wilson Loree award. You must be a member of Farm Management Canada to nominate someone for this award.
Opportunity to provide product and service reviews to Farm Management Canada Members can submit product and service reviews at any time to Farm Management Canada.
Special Member pricing for events hosted by Farm Management Canada Members will be offered a reduced rate at which to attend Farm Management Canada events. Rates are determined on a per event basis.

Information Access

Receive the Annual Report All members will receive Farm Management Canada’s annual report either via postal mail or e-mail. This effectively summaries our year to keep our members informed on Farm Management Canada happenings.
Regular information updates through automatic subscriptions to:

  • Farm Management Updates
  • Agriwebinar® Alert
  • Quarterly Members’ Newsletter
Farm Management Updates: Farm Management Updates connects you with the latest industry news and information from Farm Management Canada. Available via email.

Agriwebinar® Alert: Agriwebinar® Alert provides updates and announcements on upcoming webinars via email.

Quarterly Members’ Newsletter: Members receive a quarterly update on Farm Management Canada’s projects, programs, and activities in the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.

Access to Agriwebinar® An Agriwebinar® is a web-based conference bringing the expertise of today’s agricultural leaders to the comfort of your home or office.

“The organization promotes best practices in farm management to farmers and the agribusiness community. I belong because it provides an opportunity to access this leading information (e.g. webinars) in a very time efficient way.”

Association Membership

Be aligned with Farm Management Canada and our work to address the management information needs of Canadian farmers in a globally competitive environment.

“Farm Management Canada has contributed to our organization’s success”

Association/Organization/Academic Institution Membership Benefits

In addition to the above individual benefits;

Strategic Input

Recognition on Farm Management Canada’s official website All association and corporate members are listed on our website displaying their commitment to farm business management.
Build a strong partnership with Farm Management Canada to work collaboratively on industry initiatives Farm Management Canada aims to develop a working partnership with our members for further collaboration on industry initiatives.

Monetary Savings

Opportunity to promote your resources or events through Farm Management Canada avenues Members are encouraged to notify Farm Management Canada about new resources, events, or articles they have written for possible promotion by Farm Management Canada. Promotion will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Discount of 5% on hosting an Agriwebinar® Members wishing to host a webinar will receive a discount of 5% of the cost of the Agriwebinar.

Information Access

Opportunity to receive Farm Management Canada Event Kits Members are encouraged to notify Farm Management Canada about events they are hosting or attending with the possibility that Farm Management Canada will supply an events kit. Event kit materials will be determined based on event details.
Opportunity for Farm Management Canada presentations at your association’s events Members should contact Farm Management Canada if they wish to have a staff or director speak at their event. The possibility of a Farm Management Canada speaker will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Travel and accommodations may need to be covered, but no speaking fee will be required.
Opportunity for content contribution in Farm Management Canada member communiques Members will be mentioned in member communiques based on relevance to business management and interest to our other members.

Corporate Membership

Declare the importance of farm business management to your clients  through membership and partnership with Farm Management Canada.

“The networking between the organizations have been invaluable”

Corporate Membership Benefits

In addition to the above association benefits;

Strategic Input

News Release announcing your membership and partnership with Farm Management Canada when you join Farm Management Canada will officially announce your dedication to farm business management and Farm Management Canada by issuing a Press Release to be distributed through our membership channels and website.
Official announcement in the next Quarterly Members’ Newsletter when you join In the next Quarterly Members’ Newsletter, your corporation will be highlighted whereas other new members will simply be listed.

Exclusive Opportunity

Eligible for an annual consultation with Farm Management Canada staff or directors Corporations are encouraged to request an annual consultation with Farm Management Canada. Farm Management Canada would be happy to meet with you annually and discuss furthering the partnership.

*Farm Management Canada reserves the right to withhold any membership benefits at any time

All members are encouraged to contact Farm Management Canada to explore further partnership opportunities. Farm Management Canada thrives on an environment of collaboration and communication. We would love to hear from you.

Please contact us for more information by telephone 1-888-232-3262 or email info(at)




This Membership Registration form is limited to groups and individuals located in Canada and the U.S. If you are located outside of Canada and the U.S., please call us at 1-888-232-3262 to create or renew your membership.

  • Hidden
    Choose the occupation that applies to your role within the agricultural industry. Please select all that apply.
    Choose the occupation that applies to your role within the agricultural industry. Please select all that apply.
  • Mailing Information

  • In which language would you like to receive communications?




Our members support our vision that Canadian farmers are admired for their ability to manage for success and help us to work towards our mission of providing leading edge resources to enable Canadian farmers to make sound management decisions.



Academic Institutions

Provincial-Territorial Ministry Representatives


As an umbrella for farm business management, and the only national  organization dedicated to the development and delivery of leading-edge resources, information and tools for farm business success, Farm Management Canada uses a variety of mechanisms to meet the learning preferences and practices of Canada’s farmers, achieving over 500,000 touch points with industry stakeholders annually.

Farm Management Canada’s programs and activities are made possible through support from our generous partners and participants. Here are just a few of the opportunities available to work with Farm Management Canada.






1. Choose a Standard Partnership Package

(Note: the programs and services are cumulative from one level of partnership to the next)

Your Connector $5,000

  • Quarterly update on farm business management programs and services available including upcoming events
  • Quarterly Farm Business Management Articles to add to your newsletter, industry publication and social media channels
  • Social Media posts to access latest headlines on achieving farm management excellence
  • Promotion of your organization through social media channels and e-blast subscribersYour events and learning opportunities added to National Farm Business Management Resource Centre
  • Membership to Farm Management Canada
  • Recognition on Farm Management Canada’s website, Annual Report and relevant communications

Your Champion $15,000

  • Targeted communications support for business issues facing your members and clients (factsheets, infographics, etc.)
  • Agricultural Excellence Conference Sponsorship opportunity (valued at $5000) to showcase your programs, services, expertise, bring members and clients and connect with farm management enthusiasts and experts, along with two (2) complimentary registrations for personnel or clients
  • Agriwebinar opportunity to showcase your expertise or bring outside expertise to your members and clients

Your Catalyst $30,000

  • Customized presentation or workshop on best practices and emerging opportunities for farm business excellence for your events (via AGM, Conference, Workshop, webinars, etc.)
  • Access to industry networks to showcase programming, articulate needs and identify opportunities for support (ex. National Risk Management Roundtable, Provincial-Territorial Ministry Network)

Your Collaborator $50,000+

Choose from the following:

  • Farm Business Management training for members and clients (Making Business Management a Reality, Mental Health and Farm Management, Farm Transition Planning, Business Planning, Managing Risk, etc.)
  • Customized Research to support your members and clients in business knowledge and skills development to respond to emerging risks and opportunities (adoption of business practices, barriers to success, enablers and drivers of behaviour, supporting influencers, etc.)
  • Customized case studies to support your members and clients in adopting key business practices
  • Creation of a knowledge network of colleagues to exchange insights and advance farm business excellence for your members and clients
  • Sponsorship of members and clients to take part in the National Farm Leadership Program
  • Sponsorship of members and clients to take part in the International Farm Management Congress (June 27 – July 2 2021 in Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Member and client access to management tools (ex. AgriShield, Farm Management Toolkit, etc.)
  • Creation of new management tools and resources for your members and clients (ex. Manuals, Worksheets, Mobile Apps, etc.)
  • Preparation of customized briefing notes based on research and industry observations for discussion with government officials and politicians

Note: any of the above services can be targeted to specific demographics based on region, gender, age, farm size, farm type, etc.

2. Build a Custom Partnership Package

  • Access to our resources and information
  • Participating in our research projects
  • Inviting Farm Management Canada to share our expertise with your team or stakeholders

Consulting services

Farm Management Canada assists agricultural stakeholders including associations, government departments, educational institutions and farmers with customized support on an as needed basis. Together, we work with organizations to clarify issues and address concerns. Examples of our recent consulting work:

  • Articles: to share beneficial practices and advice with members, stakeholders
  • Customized Surveys and Research: to clarify stakeholder needs, gaps and opportunities.
  • Training & Workshops: to support knowledge and skills development
  • Tools and Resources: to support implementation of management practices
  • Speaking Engagements: to facilitate discussions and provide updates on beneficial management practices.

Networking services

Networking is an important vehicle for industry stakeholders to learn from one another and share important information. Farm Management Canada is committed to facilitating strong and meaningful connections between colleagues.

  • Create a knowledge network of colleagues to exchange insights and advance farm business excellence for your members and clients




With over 25 years dedicated to the development and delivery of resources, tools and learning events to increase the adoption of business management practices on Canada’s farms, Farm Management Canada has the expertise and experience to support your needs.

We offer a number of ways to participate in positioning Canada’s farmers for success by promoting beneficial management practices. Please contact us directly for further discussion and to create a customized package that meets your needs.

Farm Management Canada offers a wide variety of customizable services including:

  1. Research and industry insights through research, think tanks, consultations, surveys, focus groups and roundtable discussions
  2. Learning and extension through conferences, webinars, workshops, training and tools

Agricultural Excellence Conference
As the only national conference dedicated to farm business management excellence for Canada’s farmers and industry stakeholders, consider showing your support by sponsoring AgEx, getting your message in front of our audience, or supporting your clients and members to attend and learn from experts while connecting with fellow farm management enthusiasts.

Help support bringing much-needed farm business management information and expertise to Canada’s farmers and industry stakeholders through an online learning platform. Information at your clients’, or team members’, fingertips.

We offer customized workshops focused on managing risk and building business resiliency. Consider hosting a workshop for your members, clients and stakeholders.

National Farm Leadership Program
Our National Farm Leadership Program is the only leadership program designed for producers to learn how to take charge of difficult and emerging situations to achieve success – empowering themselves and their team. Show your support for Canada’s farm leaders!

The only risk assessment and planning tool that provides farmers with a comprehensive approach to managing risk on the farm – from people to finance, markets, the business environment and production, help Canada’s producers confront change with confidence and seize opportunity for ongoing success.
3. Professional speaking on best management practices, resources and programs available and challenges and opportunities ahead

4. Industry connections to management experts, information and events across Canada and globally

5. Communications and marketing through email and social media

Farm Management Canada’s vast network of industry stakeholders and turnkey process results in maximum participation with minimum work for you (you can be as involved as you desire to be). Equipped to coordinate industry events including venue booking, speaker selection, A/V and catering, Farm Management Canada can take the stress out of event management. Executive Director, Heather Watson, is the go-to authority on farm business management, able to guide producers, industry associations, private sector, government and students through best management practices and to the resources, advisors and skills development opportunities available. Heather is armed with knowledge, wit and an engaging delivery.

Pitch an idea!
If you have a project idea you would like to propose to Farm Management Canada, we always welcome a discussion.

Ready to work with you, Farm Management Canada prides itself on being in the know and connecting you with the expertise and insights to cultivate business excellence for your clients, members and team.

To learn more about these services, please contact us at sponsorship(at)

Farm Management Canada periodically sends out emails to inform its members and other industry stakeholders about resources and initiatives in farm business management. You can sign up to receive Farm Management Updates, which will keep you up to date with all emails about farm business management initiatives, or you can sign up to receive notifications specifically regarding the Agriwebinar program. You can also sign up for both. Sign up below!