The Agricultural Excellence (AgEx) Conference:
- the only conference in Canada dedicated to bringing together industry thought leaders and farm management enthusiasts
- a place for new ideas and opportunities to come to fruition
- the only conference that focuses on building the business acumen of Canada’s farmers
This year’s Conference theme, Embrace the Opportunity, is a chance to explore the social, economic, and environmental pressures facing farmers and how to turn risk into opportunity. Learn how to nurture your entrepreneurial spirit and increase capacity to lead to foster farm management excellence.
The Conference Agenda is packed with great speakers and sessions, one of which is the AgEx Student Networking Event which is exclusively for students and designed specifically to improve their networking skills and connect students with industry experts.
Register before September 30th and save!
Regular Price $650
Student Early Bird Price $180
Student One Day Early Bird Price $90

You can book your hotel room now!
Book your room early and secure our discounted price of $189/night HERE.
Room block pricing ends October 21, 2023.