National Agricultural Excellence Conference

The Agricultural Excellence Conference (AgEx) is the only event in Canada dedicated exclusively to bringing farm management enthusiasts together to build their business acumen.  AgEx welcomes anyone and everyone from farmers to advisors, academia, organizations, private industry, and government to join us to exchange expertise and insights to continue to position Canada’s farmers for success through farm management excellence. AgEx 2024 will take place Novembre 19-21, 2024, in Abbottsford-Chilliwack,  BC.

Farm Financial Fluency Training Program

In recognition of the need for greater financial literacy amongst Canada’s producers, Farm Management Canada and MNP have joined forces to offer a Farm Financial Fluency training program for producers. Producers of all types and across all commodities will benefit from a deeper understanding of their financial situation and the different options available to remain competitive and take calculated risks for continued success.

Financial literacy is a fundamental starting point for effective farm business management, helping producers understand the direct impact of their business decisions, and opportunities available going forward.

Bridging the Gap Farm Transition Workshop

Bridging the Gap seeks to help bridge the gap between generations of farmers to provide Canada’s farming future with the best chance for success.

The Bridging the Gap Workshop welcomes farm families to work with Farm Management Canada and our presenting partners to help make meaningful progress in their farm transition journey.

Seeding Success: Farm Business Practices Assessment Workshop

The Seeding Success: Farm Business Practices Assessment Workshop is designed to help producers improve their business practices by combining self-assessment and action plan development with access to support resources to achieve results: Assess, Act, Achieve!

National Risk Management Programs

  • AgriShield: Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Platform
  • A website enabling Canadian producers to be better prepared to face uncertainty
  • Roots to Success Risk Management Training Workshops

National Farm Leadership Program

Farm Management Canada’s National Farm Leadership Program supports the development of leader effectiveness in Canada’s ag sector. The program, designed for hectic farm life, empowers farmers who have a desire to learn and to perform, in real time. Powered by LeaderShift Inc.

A National Farm Business Management Resource Centre providing Canada’s farmers with access to tools and learning opportunities to support farm business skills development, featuring:
  • Conferences, workshops and courses
  • Agriwebinars and other videos
  • Publications, guidebooks and tools
  • Scholarship Listing

Research & Analysis

Access our latest research on climate change, the needs of indigenous farmers, mental health, farm management and managing risk, including:

  • Acquiring Environmental Allies: Increasing the Adoption of Environmental Stewardship Practices by Ontario Landowners
  • Seeds of Change – Shifting Diets & Soil Carbon Sequestration Markets: How Climate Change is Driving New Opportunities and Risks in Agriculture
  • The Path Forward: Supporting the Farm Business Management Needs of Indigenous Farmers
  • Expanding Opportunities for Canadian Agriculture by Understanding the Experience of Farm Women
  • Mental Health and Farm Business Management: Mental Health and Farm Business Management
  • Making Dollars & Sense: Measuring the Tangible Impact of Farm Business Management Practices
  • The Relationship between Strategic Management and Success in Farming

Farm Management Canada Speaker Listing

Farm Management Canada is connected to a network of agriculture professionals who can offer their expertise on various farm business management topics. Explore our list of topics and speakers to book a presentation for your company or organization.

National Agriwebinar Series

Agriwebinar® provides farmers and agriculture professionals with access to topical and timely farm business management information from anywhere at any time.

National Awards & Funding

  • Wilson Loree Award
  • Brigid Rivoire Award for Champions of Agricultural Mental Health
  • Government Cost-Share Opportunities for Farmers in Canada

Farm Transition Appreciation Day

FTADay was created to encourage and celebrate the progress Canada’s farmers are making to secure the future of farming in Canada. It is a groundswell movement to motivate farmers to start, restart and keep going with farm succession through inspirational stories shared on social media and live events. And, the one day of the year when we can come together to help farmers through their farm transition journey.