Wilson Loree Award
Wilson Loree Award
December 16, 2024, Ottawa, ON – Farm Management Canada recently held its annual Agricultural Excellence Conference where Erica Nitchie was announced as the 2024 recipient of the prestigious Wilson Loree Award. Now in its twenty-second year, the Award honours individuals or groups who have made an extraordinary contribution to advancing farm business management in Canada.
Erica Nitchie is a Professional Agrologist and Team Lead of Indigenous Food Systems within the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Indigenous Partnerships and Reconciliation Branch.
Erica has contributed profoundly to the Ministry’s ability to understand and support Indigenous priorities and advance reconciliation in the food and agriculture sector. Through her commitment to relationship building, passion for excellence in responsive service design and delivery and championing of dialogue, Erica has provided direct support to Indigenous agriculture and food enterprises across BC, contributed significantly to reducing barriers to access and better alignment of government programs and services, and is a role model and leader of cultural change within the Ministry.
Erica has worked directly with dozens of First Nations governments, economic development corporations, and community-driven initiatives across BC to support their food and agriculture related economic revitalization, food security and food sovereignty projects and with Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs to support agriculturally-sound business planning, capacity development and access to low-barrier programs and services. In addition to leading the BC Indigenous Agriculture Development Program supporting business planning and management and the design of new Indigenous programs, Erica has designed and led numerous projects and initiatives to support Indigenous food and agriculture businesses.
Her leadership has driven the development of partnerships, innovative programs and technical resources and services that have empowered First Nations communities, businesses, and individuals to strengthen Indigenous food systems, enhance agricultural success, and improve food sovereignty. Through Erica’s work, key programs and initiatives have been launched that reflect her deep commitment to advancing reconciliation and Indigenous rights within the agriculture sector.
Wilson Loree proudly presented Erica with the 2024 Wilson Loree Award on November 20, 2024 during the Agricultural Excellence Conference.
Recipients of the Wilson Loree award to date are:
- 2023 – Steve Funk, Alberta
- 2022 – Michele Rogalsky, Manitoba
- 2023 – Colleen Younie, Prince Edward Island
- 2020 – Marcel Hacault, Manitoba
- 2019 – Len Davies, Ontario
- 2018 – Elaine Froese, Manitoba
- 2017 – Darrell Wade, Ontario
- 2016 – Merle Good, Alberta
- 2015 – Terry Betker, Manitoba
- 2014 – Peter VanderZaag,Ontario
- 2013 – Jean-Philippe Perrier, Quebec
- 2012 – Lyle Staveness, Saskatchewan
- 2011 – Dr. Larry Martin, Ontario
- 2010 – Brian Little, Ontario
- 2009 – George Geldart, British Columbia
- 2008 – Raymond Levallois, Quebec
- 2007 – Marcel Couture, agr., Quebec
- 2006 – Ian Hall, Alberta
- 2005 – The Team of Farm Management Instructors from the School of Agriculture, University of Manitoba
- 2004 – Dr. Len Bauer, Alberta
- 2003 – Fédération des groupes conseils agricoles du Québec
Wilson Loree Award
Farm Management Canada
21 Florence Street, Ottawa ON K2P 0W6
E-mail: info(at)fmc-gac.com

Pictured (L-R): Erica Nitchie accepting the 2024 Wilson Loree Award from Wilson Loree.
Here is some of what was said about Erica’s contribution to affecting positive change in Canada’s farm business management landscape:
“Erica works diligently with a vision reflecting insights gained from trust-based relationships with Indigenous food and agriculture leaders, to design programs and services in response to Indigenous priorities and needs.”
“I believe Erica deserves recognition as a leader and innovator in the field of farm business management for her quiet dedication for nearly two decades to creatively and collaboratively applying farm business management principles to support Indigenous businesses and community economic development, while simultaneously expanding the bounds of farm business management to include and recognize Indigenous approaches and values outside the traditional scope of farm business development.”
“I have not met a better advocate for our indigenous needs in agriculture. She is there for so many communities in the Interior. She has a kind heart and always takes the time to reach out and share new programs and funding opportunities with us.”
Our congratulations to Erica!
For more information contact:
Farm Management Canada
21 Florence St. 2nd Fl, Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 0W6
Telephone: 1-888-232-3262
Email: info(at)fmc-gac.com
Brigid Rivoire Award for Champions of Agricultural Mental Health
Brigid Rivoire Award for Champions of Agricultural Mental Health
Farm Management Canada is pleased to be part of this wonderful initiative in honour of Brigid Rivoire and in support of farmer mental health.
The Brigid Rivoire Award for Champions of Agricultural Mental Health annually recognizes a specific initiative that has made outstanding contributions in raising awareness, addressing stigma, and supporting mental health for farmers in their local community. This annual award includes a $2,000 donation to a mental health initiative of the recipient’s choice, along with an invitation to attend the Canadian Federation of Agriculture’s (CFA) Annual General Meeting in February with all expenses paid.
The award will be given out at the CFA’s Annual General Meeting in Ottawa.
For more details on the award and nomination process visit: www.cfa-fca.ca/programs-and-projects/mentalhealthaward/
Government Funding for Farmers
Government Funding for Farmers
Provincial/Territorial Ministry/Department of Agriculture Cost-Share Funding
The following list of opportunities has been prepared by Farm Management Canada as a courtesy to producers and producer groups to find and access cost-sharing funding opportunities related to farm business skills development and advisory support programming through the Provincial/Territorial Ministries and Departments of Agriculture. Updated June 1, 2024.
Please Note: In the event a link becomes broken or you need further information, please contact your provincial agricultural Ministry or Department office. Be aware of eligibility criteria and timelines for processing applications before applying to and/or starting any skills development or advisory service programming. It is not uncommon for skills development opportunities to begin prior to funding approval. In such situations, skills development program administrators may be able to adapt programming and invoicing to meet cost-share funding rules.
Click here to access the PDF version of this listing.
British Columbia
Business Skills Training /Advisory Services Cost-Share Programs
Business and Market Development
Cost-Share: Various
Maximum Funding: Various
(case by case basis)
More info:
Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program
Cost-Share: 75%
Maximum Funding: Up to $7500
More info: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/programs/knowledge-transfer-events
New Entrant Farm Business Accelerator Program
Cost-Share: Up to 75% for <$10,000 projects, up to 50% for >$10,000 projects
Maximum Funding: Up to $7500 (or $15,000) based on total project estimated costs
More info: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/programs/new-entrant-farm-business-accelerator-program
Employee Training/ Wage Subsidy Programs
British Columbia Employer Training Grant
Cost-Share: 80%
Maximum Annual Funding: $10,000 per participant, up to $300,000 per employer
More info:
No programming
Canada-Alberta Job Grant
Cost-Share: 66%
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per trainee per fiscal year
($15,000 at 100% funding per trainee for an unemployed Albertan)
More info:
Small Community Opportunity Program
Skills training grants for Indigenous and small communities, as well as non-profit groups to build capacity in the agriculture industry and small business sectors
Cost Share: 90%
Maximum Funding: $20,000-$100,000 per project
More info: www.alberta.ca/small-community-opportunity-program
Future Farmer Program
Cost-Share: Unknown
Maximum Funding: Covers mentee travel, training, expenses and related costs associated with the mentorship program.
More info: https://agribition.com/get-involved/next-gen-program/
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant
Cost-Share: 66%
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per trainee per fiscal year, maximum of up to $100,000 per employer
More info:
No programming
Canada-Manitoba Job Grant
Cost-Share: up to 75% for employers with <100 employees, up to 50% for employees with >100 employees
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per training participant, maximum of up to $100,00 per employer
More info: https://www.gov.mb.ca/jec/busdev/financial/cmjg/index.html
No programming
Canada-Ontario Job Grant
Cost-Share: up to 84% for employers with <100 employees, up to 50% for employers with >100 employees,
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per trainee
Programme services-conseils 2023-2028
(les réseaux Agriconseils)
Cost-Share: 50% – 75%
Maximum Funding: $20,000 over the life of the program
Hiring a consultant to assist with:
- Financial analysis and management
- Marketing
- Data organization
- Human resource management
- Local marketing
- Farm Transfer and start-up plans
More info: https://agriconseils.qc.ca/
Information not available
New Brunswick
Business Planning, Skills Development
and Agriculture Education
Skills Development
Cost-Share: 70%
Maximum Funding: $3,000/project ($6,000 per year)
Business Planning
Cost-Share: 60% towards professional services
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per applicant per year
Associations and organizations are also eligible for assistance to champion training activities for their members.
Canada-New Brunswick Job Grant
Cost-Share: Unknown (The contribution amount is based on the Department level of funding)
Maximum Funding: $20,000 per employer per fiscal year
More info:
Nova Scotia
Planning New Opportunities Program
Business Advisory Services Support
Cost-Share: 75%
Maximum Funding: $15,000 per program year. Farms with income <$30,000 are eligible for 75% to a maximum of $2,000 per program year.
More info: https://novascotia.ca/programs/planning-new-opportunities/
Agriculture Skills Student Bursary Program
Maximum Funding:
– $500 in year 1 for students who work 250 hours and $750 in year 2 and 3 for students who work 250 hours each additional year
– $1,000 in year 1 for students who work 500 hours and $1,500 in year 2 and 3 for students who work 500 hours each additional year
More info: https://novascotia.ca/programs/agriculture-skills-student-bursary/
Workplace Education Initiative
Maximum Funding: Provides 40 hours of training over approximately 10 weeks, customized to individual and organizational needs
Training on: Business Skills, Computerized Accounting, Financial Management, Google Workspace & Microsoft 365, Microsoft Office, Leadership & Communications, Sales & Marketing, Customer Service, Human Resources & Performance Management, Presentation Skills, Project Management, Social Media & Web Development
More info: https://novascotia.ca/lae/workplace-education/
Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant
Cost-Share: 100% for year 1, 50% thereafter
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per fiscal year
More info:
Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive
Businesses with 50 or fewer employees:
Minimum $5,000 in direct training costs, up to $100,000/fiscal. First $10,000 can be funded up to 100%/fiscal. Eligible costs over $10,000 can be funded up to 50%.
Businesses with 50 or more employees:
Minimum $10,000 in direct training costs, up to $100,000/fiscal. Funds up to 50% of eligible direct training costs.
Organizations, business associations and private sector unions: Minimum $10,000 in direct training costs. Funding may be available for administration costs as determined on a case-by-case basis.
More info: https://novascotia.ca/programs/workplace-innovation-productivity-skills-incentive/
START Program
Maximum: $25,000 per hire
Wage incentive and some of training and equipment costs for hiring unemployed Nova Scotians
More info: https://novascotia.ca/programs/start/
Prince Edward Island
Business Development Program
Cost-Share: 50%
Maximum Funding: $2,000/participant/fiscal year, $10,000 per farm entity for Agri-Skills training over the life of the Sustainable CAP Framework Agreement (2023-2028)
Young Farmers
Cost-Share: 75%
Maximum Funding: $3,000/farm operation, up to $3,000 per recipient for skill development and training expenses over the life of the Sustainable CAP Framework Agreement (2023-2028)
Cost-Share: 90%
Maximum Funding: $20,000 / project, $60,000 for Group Training activities over the life of the Sustainable CAP Framework Agreement (2023-2028)
All Farmers: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/agriculture-and-land/business-development-program-agriculture
Young Farmers: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/agriculture-and-land/future-farmer-program
Business Planning
Eligible items: Individual business planning, such as: Financial Assessments; Financial Action Plans; Risk Management Plans; Business Plans (for new entrants who are part of a bonafide farm operation); Feasibility Assessments; Cost-of-Production Analysis; Succession Plans; Organizational Strategic Plans; and Human Resource Plans, Online business self-assessment and goal setting; and Professional fees.
Cost-Share: 50%
Maximum Funding: $2,500-$10,000/project
More info: Business Development Program Guidelines
Skills PEI
Cost-Share: 50%
Maximum Funding: $5000/employee or up to $25,000 per application
More info: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/workplace-skills-training
Employ PEI
Cost-Share: 50% wage subsidy for 20 weeks while training new employee
Maximum Funding: $10,000
More info: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/employ-pei-for-employers
Newfoundland and Labrador
Agriculture Business Program
Cost-Share: Various
Maximum Funding: Various
More info: https://www.gov.nl.ca/ffa/sustainablecap/
Industry Development and Knowledge Transfer
Cost-Share: Up to 75%
Maximum Funding: up to $12,000/producer
More info: Sustainable CAP Program Guide
Canada-Newfoundland Labrador Job Grant
Cost-Share: 66%
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per year
($15,000 to train an unemployed person)
More info:
Agriculture Training Program
Cost-Share: 60%
Maximum Funding: $15,000 over the lifetime of the program (2023-2028)
More info: https://yukon.ca/en/doing-business/support-agriculture/apply-agriculture-funding#eligible-activities
Business Planning
Eligible costs: Hiring consultant services and purchasing business software
Cost-Share: up to 90% of eligible costs for the first $5,000; up to 60% of eligible costs for expenses beyond $5,000
Maximum funding: $20,000 over the lifetime of the program
More info: https://Yukon.ca/sustainablecap
Building Up Program
Cost-Share: Unknown
Maximum Funding: Unknown
Target audience: Organizational funding to carry out activities that strengthen labour market skills
More info: https://yukon.ca/en/building-up
Staffing Up Program
Cost-Share: wage subsidy or training costs 60% for an employee not paid while in training; 70% for an employee paid while in training; 80% for training a potential employee who is unemployed; or 90% for training a potential employee who is unemployed and/or a member of an under-represented group
Maximum Funding: Not Available
More info: https://yukon.ca/en/staffing-up
Internship Grants
Maximum Funding: $7,500 of eligible costs per year and up to a maximum of $22,500 over the lifetime of the program (2023-2028)
More Info: https://Yukon.ca/sustainablecap
Canada-Newfoundland Labrador Job Grant
Cost-Share: 66%
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per year
($15,000 to train an unemployed person)
More info:
Northwest Territories
Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Business planning (consultant services) and business software
Cost-Share: 75-90%
Maximum Funding: Up to $5,000 ($100 applicant contribution for every $1,000 in funding), Above $5,000 up to 75% of costs, $20,000 program lifetime maximum
More info: https://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/services/agri-food-funding
Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant
Cost Share: 66%
Maximum Funding: $10,000 per employee
More info: https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/sites/ece/files/resources/canada-northwest_territories_job_grant_brochure.pdf
Internship/Mentorship Grants
Maximum Funding: Up to 75% of intern wages to maximum of $7,500 per year and $22,500 program lifetime maximum
More info: https://www.iti.gov.nt.ca/en/services/agri-food-funding